Friday, October 3, 2014

Overview of Sand Mining in Western WI


Overview of Sand Mining



          Frac sand mining is the process of excavating large quantities of sand which will be used in the extraction of natural gas and oil from rock formations. As the technology associated with hydrofracking has increased the need for frac sands has also increased significantly. Therefore, we will look at the requirements sand needs to fall in to be considered frac sands, where frac sand mining is occurring in Wisconsin, the processes associated with a typical frac sand mining operation, common issues that are associated with frac sand mining, and how GIS can be used to explore some of these issues.

Sand Mine Locations

          Sand must meet certain requirements for use in hydrofracking operations. First off, the sand must be pure silicon dioxide (SiO2), very well rounded, have a compressive strength between 6,000 psi and 14,000 psi, and must fall within a certain size range (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2012). Sand with these qualities is commonly found in Cambrian and Ordovician sandstones that were poorly cemented, such as the Mt Simon Formation and the St. Peter Formation located in Western Wisconsin (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2012). Estimates from the Wisconsin DNR show that Wisconsin has approximately 63 active mining operations, 45 processing plants (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2014), and an average of 12 million tons of sand are being excavated yearly (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2012).  Figure 1 shows the extend of sandstone formations in Wisconsin and the location of existing frac sand mines and processing plants as of December 2011.

Figure 1. Sandstone formations in Wisconsin and the location of frac sand mines as of December 2011 (Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey, 2012).


Sand Mine Operations

          Next, we will discuss the process that occurs at a typical sand mine location. First, any unnecessary topsoil is removed from the sand formations and piled along the outskirts of the operation. Next, the actual sand itself is excavated from the site, followed by blasting any tightly cemented sandstone. After any tightly cemented sandstone is blasted into large chunks it needs to be crushed into smaller particles that fit the size requirement. The sand is then sent through a processing plant which washes any fine grained particles off the sand, sorts the grains based on size and shape, and dries the sand. The sand is then transported via large trucks to rail spurs where it will be shipped to its final destination or other facilities for further processing. The final step in the mining process is reclamation of the land (Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, 2012).

Impacts of Sand Mining

          As with any mining operation there are going to be environmental impacts. Internal combustion engines in heavy machinery and fine grained sand particulates will cause an increase in air pollution, although not significant (Syverson, 2012). A large amount of water is needed to wash the material, which will lower the groundwater table and could have potential impacts on wetlands or other surface water. Water being used to wash the sand will also dissolve certain minerals that will penetrate into the groundwater supply causing contamination. It is also important to look at the socio-economic impacts of sand mining. Heavy machinery will degrade roads and property value surrounding sand mines will decrease dramatically. There are also a lot of economic benefits associated with sand mining. Sand mining creates a lot jobs for electricians, engineers, truck drivers,
accountants, and welders. These jobs will have a large economic benefit associated with them (Syverson, 2012).

Benefits of Using GIS

          GIS is a very important tool in frac sand mining. We are able to analyze areas that would be good locations for sand mines based on several factors including slope, water table height, total amount of sand available, amount of topsoil that will need to be removed, etc. We can also analyze transportation routes that will provide the most effective way to transport sand to areas that need it.


Syverson, K. (2012, January 15). Kent M. Syverson: Benefits of sand mining outweigh any negatives. LaCrosse Tribune. Retrieved October 1, 2014, from

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. (2012, January). Silica sand mining in Wisconsin.         Retrieved from
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. (2014, July). Locations of industrial sand mines and processing plants in Wisconsin. Retrieved from
Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey. (2012). Frac sand in Wisconsin. Retrieved from

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